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Testorox Mix amps – Zerox Pharmaceuticals

International Warehouse 11

Substance: Testosterone Blend
Manufacturer: Zerox Pharmaceuticals
Pack: 10 x 1ml amp (250mg/ml)

This item: Testorox Mix amps - Zerox Pharmaceuticals

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What is Sustanon? | What is Testorox Mix?

Testorox Mix is an anabolic and androgenic steroid manufactured by Zzerox Pharmaceuticals and is a product made out of 4 different testosterone esters: testosterone propionate; testosterone phenylpropionate; testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. This compound or testosterone mixture might be better known as Sustanon.

Sustanon is the first and the most famous brand name of the 4 testosterone esters mixture. Sustanon was created many years ago by a company named Organon but Testorox Mix is made by Zzerox Pharmaceuticals. There?s actually no difference between Sustanon and Testorox Mix because both products are offering 4 different testosterone esters as a mixture with the exact same esters and same amounts of each testosterone. The only difference is the name and the price as you can save now a lot of money with Testorox Mix that is much lower in price than Sustanon.

So, Testorox Mix or Sustanon is a mixture of 4 different testosterone esters like testosterone propionate which is containing 30 mg per ml; testosterone phenylpropionate containing 60 mg per ml; testosterone isocapropate containing 60 mg per ml and lastly testosterone decanoate containing 100 mg per ml which forms up a total of 250 mg of testosterone per ml.

In the end, you receive synthetic testosterone and this is the main male hormone essential for a normal body growth and function, which is very important for increasing muscle mass and strength levels.

This compound is extremely widely used and very famous for physique and performance enhancement purposes but is also widely used in medical settings, mainly for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but it has many other uses as well.

Why is needed to mix 4 different testosterone esters instead of using each of them separately? The attached ester to the main compound ? testosterone, is responsible for a different time release of the main compound in the body. This means the steroid is entering the system slower after the administration and the shorter the ester is, the faster it enters and the faster is flushed out of the body.

Taking in consideration that Sustanon ? Testorox Mix is offering 4 different testosterone esters with 4 different releases, you?re able to maintain peak blood levels and stable blood levels for a long time.

Testorox Mix ? Sustanon Half Life

As it was mentioned, Testorox Mix or Sustanon are containing Testosterone Propionate and this ester offers a half life of about one day. There?s also Testosterone Phenylpropionate with a half life of about 3-4 days. Longer half life is providing Testosterone Isocaproate with about 6 days or so. Longest half life of all esters found in this compound is providing Testosterone Decanoate with half life of about 12-14 days or so.

Therefore, Testosterone received from this compound is entering and flushed out of your system at different times. A single injection, therefore, provides a long and stable levels of Testosterone.

What is Testorox Mix Used For? | Sustanon Effectiveness

Sustanon or Testorox Mix is a very effective product and that?s why is so widely used and popular both in bodybuilding industry as well as for medical conditions. As mentioned, in the end you?re receiving synthetic testosterone and with this compound the levels are kept stable and high.

This medication that is coming in an oil based solution administered by intramuscular injection is being used for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and many other uses.

By using this compound, synthetic testosterone received is going to work the exact same way as naturally occurring testosterone and that?s going to offer: enhanced recovery (speed rate and efficiency) after each training session which is very important for growing muscles; increased red blood cells; anabolic process as well as increased nitrogen retention all while you would receive a boost in protein synthesis.

With all of these processes, the results are going to be amazing as you can gain muscle and strength very fast and very efficiently. Your body is going to get lean because you also lose body fat so you can gain at least 10 lbs of pure and lean muscles.

How to Inject Sustanon? | Sustanon Cycles | Testorox Mix Administration

Sustanon ? Testorox Mix is usually administered intramuscularly and very often is used alongside with other steroids for TRT as other steroids might suppress natural testosterone production.

However, there?s a very good solo Testorox Mix cycle containing of 12 weeks with 500 mg a week.

Due to its half life, Sustanon is used every 2; 3; 4 or 5 days for maintaining as stable blood levels as possible. Cycle length is usually depending on what exactly you need it for. Cutting and hardening cycles require about 8 weeks while bulking cycles are no less than 10-12 weeks. For TRT, is being used for as long as needed.

Doses are anywhere between 250 mg up to 1000 mg or even more per week. However, most people suggest 500 mg a week is the best dose. Using supplements, PCT plan and a healthy lifestyle is recommended.

You can use Sustanon ? Testorox Mix with all steroids ? Deca, Trenbolone, Dianbol, Winstrol, Anavar, Anadrol etc.

Testorox Mix Side Effects | Side Effects of Sustanon

Side effects of Sustanon or Testorox Mix are absolutely the same side effects as with any other testosterone compound or as if you?re receiving too much testosterone naturally. Using any testosterone compound in excess would result in too much of this hormone which your body cannot handle.

Too much testosterone is a sign of too high doses and that?s why doses are directly related with the side effects. Reduce the dosage for reducing the side effects. Testosterone compounds including Testorox Mix are generally very well tolerated by most men because a boost in testosterone levels might be very helpful.

However, using too much would result in DHT side effects occurrence which manifests in oily skin, acne, excessive hair growth on body and face as well as male pattern hair loss including masculinization (virilization) side effects for women.

Men would inhibit their natural testosterone production which is why is so important a good PCT plan and also there are risks of negative effects on cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels.

Synthetic testosterone is notorious for estrogenic side effects because testosterone is converted into estrogen through aromatization and this may result in gynecomastia; water retention; depression; hypertension and others.

Watching your diet; adding omega 3 fats; fibers; probiotics; other supplements; reducing the dosage etc. is all very helpful against side effects.