
Beligas Human Growth Hormone 10x – Int’l Warehouse

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International Warehouse 5

DOSAGE MEN: 10iu to 40iu/WEEK


This is Beligas’ version of the ultra-high purity Human Growth Hormone, also known as somatropin.  Unlike most other manufacturer, Beligas produce these under their state of the art facility in Belgium.  Another plus to this product is that it utilizes the newest two chamber design so you don’t have to mix your bacteriostatic water manually.  The cartridge fits in the Beligas Pen for easy injection.  Human Growth Hormone is often called the “fountain of youth”.  Instead of inducing testosterone in to your muscle like how other steroids do, somatropin stimulates your pituitary gland to give signal to your body to create more testosterone.  The effect of HGH includes increase youthfulness of skin, increase of muscular density, and most of all, the reduction of body fat (especially at the waist area).  Added benefits also increase healthier hair and nails.  No significant side effects have been observed in patients going through 6 to 12 months treatments.

This item: Beligas Human Growth Hormone 10x - Int'l Warehouse

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This medication that you can buy steroids online is used for the treatment of the following medical conditions, which are growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, HIV-related weight loss or wasting, and intestinal disorder.

This product that you can buy steroids online uses the newest two-chamber design. This means that you don’t have to mix your bacteriostatic water manually. This is often called the “fountain of youth.” This doesn’t induce testosterone into your muscles. What it does is stimulating your pituitary gland to give a signal to the body to create more testosterone.

The effect of Human Growth Hormone includes an increase in muscular density, an increase of youthfulness of the skin, an increase if muscular mass, and fat reduction. Other benefits include healthier hair and nails.

The recommended dosage for this one is 10IU to 40IU a week, as stated when you buy steroids online.

Fatigue, headache, nausea, muscle pain, vomiting, or weakness may occur. If the symptoms become bothersome, inform your pharmacist promptly.

Also, before buying steroids online like the Beligas Human Growth Hormone, tell your doctor first your allergies to the medication. This product may contain inactive ingredients such as meta cresol or benzyl alcohol.
